Your DMACC ID/900 Number is a unique nine digit number which starts with 900 or 901. This number can be found in the Tools section in MyDMACC.
The Tools section in MyDMACC gives you online access to personal and academic information such as student records, financial aid, personal data and registration information.
Here is one way that you can find out what your DMACC ID/900 number is:
If you can login to MyDMACC, navigate to the blue side panel on the left-hand side of your screen and scroll down to Tools. Then, click Academic Records; this will expand the drop down menu.
Once you've expanded the Academic Records drop down menu, select either Personal Information or Student Profile-- you should be able to view your student ID number in both sections.
*If you are having issues logging into MyDMACC or obtaining your DMACC ID/900 number, contact DMACC Tech Support at 515-965-7300 for assistance*