Can I reserve a laptop cart?

Effective January 1st, 2019, the Tech Support laptop cart was retired and we will no longer be providing laptop cart delivery services at this time.  The laptops will be outdated and we will not be replacing them.


If you need computers for a specific class day, please consult with your department scheduler to see if a classroom with computers is available for you.


Other Ankeny rooms that have computers:

 • Building 1, room 41 has a training room with 15 computers and an instructor station.

 • The building 6 computer lab has computers available. Jodie Skellenger (515-965-6007) can reserve a section of the computer lab for you if you notify her in advance.

 • The building 5 computer lab is not staffed, but is another location you can take your students when computers are needed.

 • The building 6 library (room 3R) has a separate room with computers and an instructor station and they may be willing to reserve it for you.



Article ID: 16010
Wed 9/13/23 3:45 PM
Tue 2/13/24 11:24 AM