Residency Policy


I am providing you with the link to the webpage for the residency requirements for your review.

Download the Request for Residency form, complete it, and provide two of the listed items. This must be submitted before the first day of the semester for which you are applying.

This documentation can be turned into the Admissions Office or any DMACC campus or sent electronically by scanning or taking a picture of the forms and emailing them to Please make sure if you do send them electronically that the forms can clearly be read in order to be reviewed by the Registrar. Once the decision has been made, you will receive notification of the outcome.

If you have additional questions regarding the residency policy or requirements, please contact the Registrar's Office at



Article ID: 16877
Wed 10/25/23 12:16 PM
Wed 10/25/23 12:16 PM