Nation Sex Offender Database Checks


Trail Point Aquatics & Wellness uses the Raptor Management System to strengthen the safety of our members.  Part of keeping members safe is knowing who is in our building at all times, and Raptor will allow us to do that.  Raptor allows us to screen Trail Point members and guests to provide a safer environment for our members and staff. 

Raptor checks the member’s or guest's name and date of birth for comparison with a national database of registered sex offenders.  The registered sex offender database is the only official database checked by the Raptor system.  




All guests and new members, 18 and older, will be asked to present a government issued ID to be scanned in to Raptor upon entering the building. Raptor will check to ensure that registered sex offenders are not entering our facility without our knowledge. 

Any member, 18 and older, who has not provided a government issued ID will be asked to provide it and failure to do so will lead to access denial.  

The safety of our members is our highest priority and this process allows us to quickly identify those that may present a danger.  Thank you in advance for your understanding and your support in enhancing the safety protocols at Trail Point Aquatics & Wellness.





What is the the Raptor Visitor Management System?

Raptor is a visitor and volunteer management system that enhances security as well as the ability to efficiently track and maintain member and guest records electronically. Every member and guest is instantly screened against the registered sex offender databases in all 50 states and several territories within the United States.  Raptor also ensures that accurate and reliable records are kept for every member and guest that enters the building.


How does Raptor work?

All guests and new members, 18 and older, will be asked to present a government issued ID to be scanned in to Raptor upon entering the building. Name, photo, and date of birth from the ID are instantly compared against the national sex offender registry.

If a match is found, access to Trail Point is denied and Trail Point leadership is notified through an alert message so as to take appropriate actions to keep Trail Point safe.  

There is an appeal process for members and, depending on the level of offense, upon approval, members on the list may be able to join or keep their membership.


When an alert message is sent out, what information is contained within?

The alert message includes the offender’s name, photo and check-in location, as well as the name of the Raptor user assisting with the check in.


What other information is Raptor taking from ID’s?

Raptor is only scanning and storing the guest’s name, date of birth and photo for comparison with the national sex offender registry. Raptor does not share this data with any outside company or organization. 


Does Raptor gather any other background information from outside of the sex offender registries?

No. Raptor only checks the national sex offender registry, which is updated weekly. However, Trail Point has the ability to create Private Alerts for no-contact orders, no-trespassing orders, etc. 


Will a guest have to present a photo ID before every visit to Trail Point?

Yes.  Before every visit, the guest will be screened against the national sex offender registry.